


Misinformation can destroy the value in a mergers and acquisitions (M&A)交易或使交易后的整合成为噩梦. That is why communication should be part of the process early on, says 大卫Heinsch, Senior Vice President of the Corporate Advisory Group at 帕迪拉, a global public relations and strategic communications firm.

David outlined the various risks associated with communications in M&A transactions on 交易摘要 podcast with host 乔·赫尔曼. His advice to both buyers and sellers: “Rethink the role of corporate communications as you contemplate a transaction, and get them involved early because there is so much at risk.”



This risk pertains to the initial reaction of employees upon learning about the impending transaction. Human nature leads individuals to form quick judgments and emotional responses when they receive significant news. 以M开头&一个上下文, employees might wonder how the deal will impact their job security, 工作环境, 以及公司的未来. If they perceive the news negatively, it can lead to decreased morale, productivity, and engagement.

“All those months’ and years’ worth of work going into a deal,大卫说。, “and you know employees are going to react to that in maybe ten minutes. 他们会做出这样的判决.”

要管理这种风险, 为员工提供清晰的信息是至关重要的, 简洁的, 在这个过程的早期提供透明的信息. This helps mitigate uncertainty and allows employees to better understand the rationale behind the transaction, 最终改善他们形成的第一印象.


“如果你是买家,大卫说。, “you have every right to control all the dimensions of [the communications of the acquisition]. … It’s important to get corporate communications involved early because they can hopefully gain some really important insights into how communications work within the target, 员工能得到什么样的信息啊, 他们多久会得到一次. … Is this going to be a complete surprise to their employees? 它会被很好地理解和接受吗? It’s impossible within a very short amount of time to gain those insights.”

当沟通不协调时, 这可能会导致混乱, 谣言, 以及员工之间的错误信息. 收购方通常对消息传递有更大的控制权, but it is equally important for sellers to manage their messaging effectively to minimize potential disruptions and maintain employee morale.

David recommends establishing a single source of truth (perhaps a web page), providing periodic updates (even if nothing has changed since the last update), and involving corporate communications from the start to craft a messaging plan. 

资源: M&咨询:企业销售指南


Different stakeholders will have varying levels of understanding and interest in the intricacies of a transaction. 例如, employees who work at public companies might be more accustomed to receiving complex financial information, whereas employees in closely held companies may not have been exposed to such details previously. Communicating effectively requires tailoring the message to the audience’s level of sophistication, 确保每个人都能抓住要点. Overloading employees with overly technical or irrelevant information can lead to confusion and disengagement. 因此, it is essential to strike a balance and use plain language when discussing complex financial and strategic aspects of the deal.


This risk stems from overreliance on digital communication methods, 比如电子邮件或社交媒体, 以牺牲人际交往为代价. While digital channels can efficiently disseminate information, they may lack the personal touch needed to address employee concerns, 建立信任, 有效地管理情绪.

在高风险的情况下,比如M&A, 员工可能需要面对面的交流, 市政厅会议, or direct supervisor involvement to feel supported and heard. Failing to provide these personal touch points can lead to skepticism, 不信任, 以及员工的挫败感. 因此, a balanced approach that combines digital communication with in-person interactions is essential to minimizing this risk.


除了财务和运营方面,M&并购交易也会给员工带来情感上的负担. Employees may fear job loss, changes in company culture, or uncertainty about their future roles. Recognizing and addressing these emotional aspects is vital for effective communication. 公司应该鼓励反馈机制, 提供情感支持资源, and demonstrate empathy to help employees navigate these emotions during the transition.


“I’ve seen it a lot in my career of corporate communications roles,大卫说。. “It’s not uncommon for [the corporate communications team] to be brought in very late in the process. And we can all deeply appreciate the confidentiality that is imperative [to M&A]. But I tend to take a little bit [of a] different look at corporate communications and the role that it plays in M&比我认为很多其他领导人做的都要多. I look at it as a risk management function because once a deal closes, that gives way to all of the execution risk that requires employees pulling in the same direction.”

David’s advice is to have a plan and get your experts on communication involved early. “在短时间内制定战略真的很难. ……最后, 再一次。, just acknowledge that the emotion is more than just the dollars and cents and the operating model.”


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