
Beyond 记账: 5 Ways Strategic 会计 服务 Benefit Mid-Sized Businesses

Beyond 记账: 5 Ways Strategic 会计 服务 Benefit Mid-Sized Businesses

2021年10月12日 -外包你的会计需求, 比如每月记账, 编制预算并协助完成年终财务报告, 为中小型企业提供明显的优势, 与在公司内部处理这些工作相比. It allows you and your staff to focus attention on other work and it provides you with the reliable, 及时的, 准确的, and complete financial information you need to manage your business better.

Lifting the burden is especially important if your CFO or Controller is hands-on with transactional, 日常会计. This work is so time-consuming it’s easy to become mired in the routines of handling short-term details and so focused on looking at the past that you can’t look toward the future. That’s a problem, summed up nicely by the late writer and thinker Edward de Bono.


如果你不为未来做计划, your business will wander aimlessly instead of growing to fulfill your vision. 这就是战略会计服务的用武之地.


Smaller companies often don’t have a designated financial “strategic thinker” within their organizational structure – a role that usually falls to the CFO or Controller. If no one is looking into the company’s future financially, the company continues to react vs. 计划. Strategic accounting services connect you with people who can help fill that void so you can effectively 计划 for the future, 而不仅仅是分析过去.

What many small and mid-size businesses don’t realize is that you can utilize outsourced accounting services for more than helping with monthly bookkeeping. Outsourced accounting services can also include project-based work such as building a budget or forecast, 资金审核和资金分析, 年终税务或审计计划, 工资合规, 过程改进, 系统分析, 和更多的. And these projects you can do whether or not you choose to outsource your monthly bookkeeping. If you are not taking full advantage of strategic accounting services, you’re missing out on opportunities to get top-level professional advice and insight from specialists who can really make a difference in your company’s future. 

这些注册会计师服务通常是基于项目的, 这样你就可以利用你需要的专业知识, 当你需要的时候.


1.       你会得到一个战略顾问

You need someone who can take a step back and look into the future based on past performance and company goals. 如果这个人在公司内部不存在, 这是引进外部专家的绝佳机会. Strategic accounting services can help boost “big picture” business management (budgeting, 预测, 等.) and also supply additional specialized services as needed to support that. The strategic accounting consultants bring their plethora of experiences seeing multiple companies and what things have worked or not worked.  

2.       你会有一个搭档

A lot of companies hire someone from outside to do their taxes, and maybe an audit. But treating these as one time vendor services can be short-sighted. 你的注册会计师事务所应该成为你的长期合作伙伴, 在你复习和计划的时候和你坐在一起. 你应该至少每季度与注册会计师见面一次, and your CFO/Controller should work collectively with the hired CPA firm on business 计划ning.

从一家会计师事务所获得战略性的外包会计服务, they are able to work directly with the tax team as a strategic group wholistically helping all aspects of your company from a financial perspective. 通过联合你的战略合作伙伴, you can get multiple perspectives regarding tax implications or other future financial opportunities for which your business can take advantage. 

假设需要进行审计. 外包会计, 每月结帐和报告, 连同年终调整和报告一起. 因此,到了审计的时候就不会有什么意外了.

Strategic accounting services can also step in on a project basis to help in-house staff prepare for an audit, something companies often don’t have the time or personnel to do on their own. 在这种情况下, the outsourced accountant(s) can come in a couple of months early to get the books cleaned up and ready for review.

3.       你可以为未来做计划 

Creating an annual budget or multi-year forecast are critical pillars of business success, 然而,许多小企业在这两个领域都举步维艰. Strategic accounting services help put you on the right financial management path. Consultants typically have templates or prior ideas from working with several companies on how best to develop a budget or forecast. They can guide you through the entire process and create an ongoing budget 计划 to be followed each year.  

4.       你会有更深刻的见解

Every aspect of business operations and financials affects business outcomes. Comprehensive accounting services ensure you have both financial data and advice to pinpoint and sidestep potential problems and also identify and exploit opportunities quickly. 这包括帮助您确定潜在的增长领域或, 相反, 确定是否到了出售或缩减业务规模的时候. 在这种情况下, M&一个团队 可以介入提供宝贵的帮助吗.

5.       你会得到具体的建议

战略项目可以集中在关键的金融相关领域. Payroll experts can help streamline processes and ensure you’re properly categorizing W2和. 1099 员工等. 税 experts can help vet your business 计划 and advise on business structure, 估计税, 或者法规和遵从性问题. 你应该租赁还是购买 一件设备 or 财产? Strategic CPA services can help you make a future-forward decision.

强劲的财务状况推动企业成功. But as a small to medium-size business, you cannot do everything yourself. Outsourced strategic accounting services go beyond bookkeeping to connect you with the expertise and resources you need to look into the future and proactively plot your course.

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